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报告人:彭汉川 教授

主持人:徐 军 教授





个人简介: Hanchuan Peng (Director – SEU-ALLEN; Group Head - Brain Big Data, Allen Institute for Brain Science; affiliate/adjunct faculty member/professor, University of Washington (USA), University of Georgia (USA), among others) develops revolutionary technologies to generate, manage, visualize, analyze, and understand massive-scale structure and function data related to brains. Peng also led the Big Image Mining team at Janelia, HHMI (2006-2012). Peng is a highly cited inventor of a number of new algorithms and software/hardware systems, including Vaa3D - a widely adopted high-performance platform for very large multi-dimensional images (Nature Biotechnology 2010; Nature Protocols, 2014; Nature Communications, 2014; Nature Methods, 2016, 2017), BrainAligner (Nature Methods, 2011), SmartScope (Nature Communications, 2014; Scientific Reports, 2017), mRMR (IEEE-TPAMI, 2005; a top-10 popular paper in TPAMI since 2005), etc. He built/co-worked the first digital maps for several widely used model systems at single cell/neurite resolution (C. elegans - Nature Methods, 2009; Cell, 2009; fruitfly - Nature Methods, 2011; mouse – Nature 2014), and led the “BigNeuron” initiative (e (; Ne; Neuron, 2015). Peng was a co-recipient of USA National Academy of Sciences’ Cozzarelli Prize (2013), DIADEM award (2010), SfN’2018 Hot Topic (2018), etc. His work has been featured in Nature, Science, NPR, NBC, etc. Peng founded Bioimage Informatics conferences (s (, h), helped iconize Bioimage Informatics as a new field in major bioinformatics journals including Oxford Bioinformatics, BMC Bioinformatics, Nature Methods, Nature Biotechnology, etc. He serves as the co-Editor-in-Chief of the journal Brain Informatics, and the Section [Chief] Editor of BMC Bioinformatics overseeing the section of imaging, bioimage analysis, and data visualization.


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